Mobile Technology

Mobile Technology
Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology are a peer reviewed and open access journal publishes articles in the scientific society. The journal welcomes articles in the form of original articles, review articles, case reports, and short communications etc. relevant field. You can visit our journal page. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress through the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions to the editor. Like many things in life, technology has changed the way we learn languages beyond all recognition. Long gone are the old days of poring over textbooks and bulky bilingual dictionaries to learn a foreign language.
Mobile technology is a form of technology that is mostly used in cellular communication and other related aspects. It uses a form of platform where by many transmitters have the ability to send data at the same time on a single channel. This platform is called Code-division multiple access (CDMA). This platform allows many users to make use of single frequencies because it restricts the likelihood of interference of frequencies from two or more sources. This channel has evolved over the years. The mobile technology is rapidly evolving; over the years, its uses are becoming diverse and is gradually replacing some similar sources in the market that are also used for communication e.g. post office and land lines. The mobile technology has improved from a simple device used for phone call and messaging into a multi-tasking device used for GPS navigation, internet browsing, gaming, instant messaging tool etc. Professionals argue with the trend that the future of computer technology is rest on wireless networking and mobile computing. Mobile technology through tablet and portable computers are becoming more and more popular.
Mobile technology was a mystery two decades ago but now, it has become something of necessity to both the rural and the urban areas. The mobile technology started as a remarkable achievement in the world of technology but now, it is transforming into user comfort technology due to its present diverse functionality. When the mobile was first introduced, it used to be basically for SMS, Calls and games. But it has presently transformed into a digital world and has made life and business much easier; marketers now have the ability to sell their products with ease through mobiles technology. The mobile has made it possible for users to transfer files and other files through Bluetooth and wifi. The mobile is also equipped with internet connectivity, making it easy for the user to gain information and also to download files from the internet. Video call conferencing is another achievement that has come to reality through mobile technology. Business men and clients now have the channel to communicate even without seeing in person. With the use of mobile technology, it is now easy to catch up with every form of entertainment from the comfort of your home. It has also made it possible for one to easily locate places on the globe using the Global positioning system (GPS). Especially in the business world, the importance of mobile technology cannot be overemphasized; bankers depend solely on mobile technology on managing finances and stocks. Many business firms uses the mobile technology to increase their earnings through providing customers easiness to patronize their product through apps and websites. For example, the Cinema may create an app for ticket booking; railway travel tickets can be purchased from the internet without having to queue up to purchase it. The evolvement of mobile technology has made our life easier and also saves us time and resources.
The diversity of mobile technology is due to the fact that that many mobile operating systems are available for smart phones all of which have their own unique characteristics. Some of these operating systems are: the Android, blackberry, webos, ios, symbian windows and bada mobile some of which will be briefly discussed: The android is an operating system that is developed by google. The operating system is designed basically for the touch screen mobile devices and it is based on a simple manipulation. It uses simple touch gestures that relates to the real world situation. The Android is the first and only open source operating system; that means it has the ability to be ported to any cell phone. The blackberry is an operating system developed by the Blackberry limited. The operating system was developed mainly for Blackberry smart phones. This system is most specialized for multitasking and also aids the use of some specific inputs for the supports of some of its smart phones such as the trackwheel, trackball, trackball, trackpad and touchscreen. The IOS is a mobile operating system that is made and developed by Apple. The system was developed for the use of the Apple hardware only such as Iphone, Ipad and Ipod Touch.
Since 2008 the operating system customized their platforms, allowing the user to download any app he wishes to download like the gaming app, the utility apps, the GPS and other tools. Any user that have the knowledge to create an app and also wishes to create one can legally do so. The WebOS basically has the ability to support internet programming languages some of which are HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
The internet is now equipped with a 4G network. This network enables a high speed data transmission in the channels, making surfing the internet to be easier. In the future, smart phones will be aware of their environment, they are going to be able to utilize the availability of physical inbuilt sensors and the ease with which data are exchanged. One of the way to achieve these trend is that the mobile phones will begin to keep track of the user’s personal data, but also, they will be able to predict almost correctly the user intentions on what he wants to use or the information he is interested in getting. This will be accomplished by keeping track of the user earlier tasks. In the next generation of mobile technology, smart phones will be equipped with X-Ray tool that will be able to detect detail information about the location the phone is pointing to at that particular time. Various companies are presently developing apps that will be able to accurately sense the exact location or present position of the phone or the user. Along with the future of mobile technology comes another device called Omnitouch this is a device that makes it possible for application to be used on the hand, arm, desk, wall and every other plain surface. The device has a sensor touch interface which makes it possible for the user to access functions through the use of the finger touch.
Since the arrival of the mobile, it has helped humans in many ways; some of which are: mobile phones are very important in case of an emergency they safe lives in cases of accidents and other related issues. One of the most important use of smart phones is that they ensure safety. Families can easily communicate with each other while away. To cap it up, mobile technology is here to stay and holds a lot more features in the future to meet even the most of our basic needs and to make life a lot easier.
Thanks and regards
Chris Brown
Associate Managing Editor
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